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A Big Change in WordPress 5.0

WordPress 5.0 is now available for downloading on wordpress.org. As an announcement a few months ago, some changes are included in this major release; however, in this article, we are going to focus on the biggest improvement - a new visual editing system.

 1. New Visual Editor


This new block-based editor, called Gutenberg, makes it possible and super easy to build and create pages and posts using a variety of content blocks and you have greater control over the appearance of your posts/pages through the drag-and-drop interface.
When creating a post, it is easy to see a new menu that allows you to select blocks and manage them as well as the post structure.

​As you press on the plus icon to add a block, you can see lots of the most used blocks available such as Paragraph, Heading, Images, Gallery, etc. If you want to use other blocks, you can search for them in Common Blocks group. 

​Besides, you can add not only content blocks but also other pieces of content such as Table, Button, Columns, and more in other groups including Inline Elements, Formatting, Layout Elements, Widgets and Embeds. 

 Other WordPress basic options are remained and displayed in the right side. Here, you also see Block tab where you edit corresponding configurations for each block. 

 2. Advantages & Disadvantages


  1. Be more flexible to control the content
  2. Give Editors more visual understanding of the page/post appearance and how the content looks like on the front-end.  
  1. This is a brand-new editing system and interface that you are not familiar with. Thus, it takes time to understand and practice.
  2. The theme you are using may not initially compatible with this new version.

4. Try it or not?


This WordPress 5.0 version is a useful version that you should give it a try. Of course, you still can use the Classic Editor. Just in case you are curious and desire to take advantage of this new version, you can test and try using it with testgutenberg

To continue using the Classic Editor with WordPress 5.0, you can install and activate the Classic Editor plugin. 

That's a highlight including in the WordPress 5.0. Don't hesitate to leave your comment below and share this article. 

Thanks for reading!

