
TemPlaza, the website built and improved by TemPlaza., JSC. We supply templates and other qualified applications on Joomla and WordPress.

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Release Jollyany 3.1.0 with new features, updates and improvements

Hi guys,

We're so happy to announce that Jollyany 3.1.0 is already available. This new release comes with a lot of improvements, latest updates, and new awesome features added. Especially, there is another brand-new topic that officially joins Jollyany team. It is Fashion - Photography, Model Agency Joomla Template, which totally contributes to the current number of child websites included in Jollyany to 10.
If you're using Jollyany, you must be excited to hear this. At this moment, there are so many awesome topics available for you to pick up, so hope you enjoy!

**Jollyany 3.1.0 Changelog** 

1. New topic 

  • Fashion - Photography, Model Agency Joomla Template included

2. Updates

  • Jollyany Framework v1.0.6 updated
  • Astroid Framework v2.2.3 updated
  • SP Page Builder 3.6.1 updated
  • FontAwesome Library updated.

3. Improvements

  • Language improvements.
  • Sidebar header not collapsible on laptop screens.
  • Improved spacing between menu items after drop-down arrow disabled.
  • Separate install template and extensions

4. New features

  • offline.php file added
  • Placeholder added in icon class for custom Social profiles.
  • FontAwesome files are now loaded locally and NOT via CDN.
  • FontAwesome animations added in the pre-loader.
  • Ability to disable keyboard shortcuts.
  • Custom badge Text Color field added

5. Bug fixes

  • External URL for smooth scroll fixed

Don't forget to update Jollyany as soon as possible to enjoy new features and get old things improved and updated. If you encounter any issues, feel free to add new ticket to let us know. We will answer related questions or fix bugs immediately. One more thing, any of your suggestions will be surely welcome, so share with us your thoughts if you do have.

